PhD Student under


Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais nº1,

Lisboa Portugal

I completed my PhD in ECE under the dual CMU-Portugal program.
My advisors were professor Manuela Veloso and professor João Paulo Costeira.

I am mostly interessed in object recognition from multiple partial views, collected from a mobile robot equiped with an  RGB camera.
To represent such partial views, I have introduced a heat diffusion based descriptor, the Partial View Heat Kernel (PVHK). Such descriptor allows to represent not only the geometry of an object, but also its color and texture.

To combine the multiple partial views taking into consideration the robot movement, I use a Particle Filter. Furthermore, to take into account that I want to estimate  the object class, and not the robot position, I introduced a Similarity Based Resampling, which takes into account the uncertanty from ambiguous and non-discriminative partial views. (code will follow soon)

During my PhD I also developed an algorithm for Joint Assignment and Stitching  of Non Overlapping Meshes (JASNOM). JASNOM creates a manifold mesh of the whole object, without requiring previous registration of the two meshes on the same coordinate system. (code will follow soon)

As a Post-Doctoral researcher at Instituto Superior Tecnico, I have been working on automatic tile panel assembly. This problem is similar to jigsaw puzzle assembly, but tiles have little texture that does not always aligns properly accronss abuting sides. Namely, I have adapted the previously heat based descriptor to introduce an afinity measure that is more resilient to this noise than current metrics.
Azulejos Dataset

My profile at researchgate
My profile at ISR